by Elisa Andreassi | Nov 21, 2017
User group leader: Alberto Viani Venue: BNC: Hungary The purpose of the project was to establish analytical protocols for the determination of provenance of archaeological marbles and a database of local sources A total of 30 samples...
by Elisa Andreassi | Nov 21, 2017
User group leader: Attila Nándor Hágó Venue: BNC, Hungary A large number of studies presents the provenance and petrographic characterization of different kind of stone tools from different archaeological settlements from the Early...
by Elisa Andreassi | Nov 21, 2017
User group leader: Duncan Atkins Venue: BNC, Hungary Recovered objects from Berezina and Waterloo have resulted in the historian’s needs for further characterization to obtain otherwise hitherto unknown...
by Elisa Andreassi | Sep 5, 2017
User Group Leader: Bogdan Constantinescu Venue: MTA Atomki, Debrecen, Hungary During the experiment, we focused on metallurgical aspects of Dacian and Roman silver items – coins and adornments (Ist Century BC – IIIrd Century AD) and of Histria...
by Elisa Andreassi | Sep 5, 2017
User Group Leader: Zizi-Ileana Balta HOME Venue: MTA Atomki, Debrecen, Hungary Historical textiles adorned with precious metal threads are among the most valuable testimonials of the European cultural heritage and have a large geographical spreading in the...