Postdoctoral Associate Position in X-ray Fluorescence Mapping of Art
A postdoctoral position (full-time, 12 month with renewable contract) is open in the IPCH’s Technical Studies Lab, focusing on the use of their new Bruker M6 Jetstream scanning XRF unit with Yale’s collections.
Required qualifications:
Completion of a Ph.D., preferably in the chemical or physical sciences. Candidates with a strong scientific background with degrees outside of these fields may be considered.
Fluency with x-ray interactions with matter. Experience with x-ray fluorescence measurements.
Computational and data processing skills.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills, organizational skills, and a desire to work collaboratively.
A desire to engage with museums and collections, curiosity about art, artifacts, or archival materials.
Preferred qualifications
Familiarity with spectroscopic image processing techniques is highly desirable.
Prior experience with the application of analytical techniques to cultural heritage objects is desirable but not required.
If you are interested in you can send an email or document describing interest in the position, CV and names and contact information for two references to Aniko Bezur (Aniko.bezur@yale.edu), Wallace S. Wilson Director of Scientific Research, Technical Studies Laboratory, Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage.