IPERION HSIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure
Technique: Magnetic susceptibility measurements

Dual frequency sensor MS2B Barlington Instruments

For routine applications we offer the upgrade with an automatic sample changer (ASC) for up to 20 samples and reference materials, also in different crucible types.

Potential Results

A dual frequency susceptibility sensor can be used to test the possibility of distinguishing the multi-domain grains most likely derived from natural rock, from the single-domain (larger frequency dependent) grains of soil affected by human-activity. Human activity, weathering and burning, favor the conversion of magnetic particles to a smaller size characterized by high frequency dependent susceptibility and thus measurements of the susceptibility at two or more frequencies can be used as a guide for the location of areas of archaeological interest. The "frequency dependent susceptibility" (FDS%=χfd%=((χlow-χhigh)/χlow) x 100) can be used as a relative measure distinguishing ancient human activity from the modern one. It can provide information on the extent and dating of human occupation (stratigraphy) and even predict the potential of a site for magnetometer survey, by examining the average level of susceptibility of the topsoil and the corresponding contrast between features and their soil context.