The instrument is a custom-made set up that allows simultaneous X ray fluorescence and X-ray powder diffraction, point analyses and as 2D mappings (maximum area is 15 x 15 cm2, the spatial resolution is about 150 µm (can be reduced by the use of pinholes)). The instrument is equipped with a microfocus X-ray tube with Mo-Target (X-ray energy is 17.48 keV (Mo-Ka)), a focusing X-ray optics ASTIX-f 100/200, a motorized goniometer stage (PI) enabling high-precision XYZ-translations (HPS-170) and rotation (PRS-200) of the sample, a XRF detector X-123-SDD (Amptek), an image plate detector MAR345 (marXperts GmbH) for capturing diffraction pattern, a CCD camera and a laser triangulation for visualizing and positioning of the sample.
Potential Results
The combination of XRF and XRD data allows for obtaining simultaneously crystallographic and chemical information on the studied object which increases remarkably the analytical investigation capabilities of the two techniques enabling a better identification of chemical compositions and mineral phases. In addition, 2D XRF/XRD mappings of an area up to 15 x 15 cm2 provide information on the distribution of chemical and crystallographic characteristics on the sample surface.