GPR survey will be carried out with the time domain Ris Hi-Mod GPR system, manufactured by IDS System, equipped with medium and high frequency antennas. In particular, the medium frequency antennas (200 and 600 MhZ) will be used for detecting buried archaeological remains, whereas the high frequency antennas (900MhZ and 2GhZ) will be employed for the study of the conservation state of the monumental heritage.
Potential Results
The potential results and information coming from GPR in the archaeological domain are: 1) detection of buried archaeological remains; 2) discovery of sites of cultural interest; 3) historical evolution of landscape. In the field of conservation of architectural and artistic heritage, using high frequency antennas, GPR is able to provide the following results and information: 4) detection of voids, dishomogeneinities and cracks in masonry structurese; 5) characterization of constructive features of masonry walls; 6) detection of detachments and decay pathologies of wall paintings and mosaics. In the same domain GPR provide indirect data on the presence of moisture into walls, pavement and frescoes.