Highlights AllARCHLABFIXLABMOLAB Revisiting cleaned acrylic paintings: 10 years onMOLAB Investigating the making of the Virgin of the Yarnwinder by Leonardo da Vinci, SpainMOLAB PICASSO’S ACROBAT FAMILY IN FOCUS: a further investigation of materials and techniques of an iconic work in the collection of the Gothenburg museum of artMOLAB VSWP: Whitewashed wall paintings found in the reading room of the historicallibrary in Casino Nobile of Villa Sciarra – Wurts, Rome, headquarter of the Italian Institute of German StudiesMOLAB REBRE – The Renaissance Bronzes RevisitedARCHLAB The mural painting Passion and Crucifixion by Bernardino Luini in the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Lugano, Switzerland: technical and conservative studyMOLAB Van Gogh ReturnsMOLAB Study and analysis of a series of pastels by Wallerand Vaillant (1623-1677)MOLAB thickNESS – Non-invasive Examination of Stratigraphic System in violinsMOLAB CANC – Conservating Artifacts – New CleaningsARCHLAB Polychrome paint on European precious silver objects – A merging of two independent research studies of a scarcely noticed colouring techniqueARCHLAB PYROCER – Investigation of pyrotechnical ceramics from the Workshop of Phidias in Olympia, GreeceARCHLAB TNRMee – Transnational RAMAN and MFT experience exchangeARCHLAB ARCHAEOGLASS 2-Evolution of glass technology–paste, colorants, opacifiers–from Roman to Byzantine glass; studies on artifacts from Romanian MuseumsFIXLAB RUBENS-TCR-BHW – Banqueting House Whitehall Rubens Ceiling Paintings Technical Conservation ResearchMOLAB NETS-NUBIA – A Neutron Tomography study of pottery forming techniques in Lower Nubia, Egypt, 4th- 2nd millennium BCFIXLAB THertzHyperPHerc: THertz and NIR Hyperspectral imaging of opistographic and multilayered papyriMOLAB Iberian Peninsula Influences in Painting from the 15th and 16th centuriesARCHLAB The two Porticos de la Gloria at the Victoria & Albert Museum: Research and ConservationARCHLAB COTECH-Copying the master or mastering the copy? Reconsidering copying practices as a pictorial strategy for artistic renewal and art theory in the 16th-C Low CountriesARCHLAB Material analyses on Late Antique Exagia solidi and Byzantine glass weights using micro-PIXE/PIGE techniquesFIXLAB Analysis of the composition of non-ferrous metals, used for decorations in Early Middle ages in Bulgaria.FIXLAB EQuiP – Qur’an manuscript in DublinMOLAB Recovering Giotto at the Basilica of Saint Anthony, PaduaMOLAB TECH_SCREAM_TECH – TECHnical Study of CoRE Art Materials & TECHniques of SCREAM versionsMOLAB Hidden Armadas in the Armada Portrait of Elizabeth IMOLAB Localising materials and techniques in the Northern Netherlands: Establishing a chronology for Jan Steen.ARCHLAB Mineral pigments studies on XVIth and XVIIth centuries glass and ceramics artifacts from Piua Petrii – a commercial setlement on Danube borderFIXLAB Assessment of provenance of marbles from the gothic cloister of Žďár nad Sázavou (Czech Republic): contribution of small angle neutron scatteringFIXLAB The provenience of stone tools materials from Middle Neolithic (Piscolt group), Late Neolithic (Herpaly culture) settlements from Carei area, RomaniaFIXLAB Characterisation of excavated Napoleonic artefacts from the Berezina battlefield in Belarus using neutron PGAAFIXLAB KV-MUM-P: KETONE RESIN VARNISHES on Munch Museum’s Paintings: An interdisciplinary, transnational researchARCHLAB YARNWINDER: Investigating the making of the Virgin of the Yarnwinder by Leonardo da VinciMOLAB CMAG-Glass:Assessment of the Art Nouveau glass windows from the Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves (Portugal)MOLAB Leman Album Examination by MOLAB Analysis MethodsMOLAB SUNMIX: Systematic investigation of “Sunflowers” by Vincent van GoghMOLAB BronzeSilverMet: Ancient bronze and silver metallurgy studies by microPIXEFIXLAB MICROPIXETEX: PIXE microbeam investigations for gaining new insights into the technology and microchemical nature of the golden threads from medieval religious embroideries and velvet brocade garmentsFIXLAB ARCHAEO-GLASS: Evolution of glass technology–paste, colorants, opacifiers – from Byzantine, late mediaeval to modern Murano glass; studies on artifacts from RomaniaFIXLAB ELD ARIUŞD: Extra-long distance trade lithic materials in the copper age Ariuşd (Erősd) groupFIXLAB HC4-5c: Hunnic cauldrons in the Carpathian Basin (4th–5th cAD)FIXLAB SOFIA: Search Of Fingerprints In Archaeometallurgy: elemental composition study of three gold fragments from an ancient Italian processional crossFIXLAB NiCe: Neutron Imaging of a failed 1400s wrought iron tie rod from Milan CathedralFIXLAB ChertPIXE: The geochemical characterization of chert by PIXE: a key to understand human mobility in the Pyrenees during the PrehistoryFIXLAB MEGLARTMIT – Characterization of Medieval glass artefacts from Miranduolo site, Chiusdino, ItalyFIXLAB ChertPIXE 2.0 – Characterizing the geochemical features of Magdalenian chert tools by PIXE. Tracing prehistoric human mobility in the PyreneesFIXLAB Barbadori “pala” and Martelli Annunciation by Filippo Lippi. A comparative study on the paintings technique supported by scientific analysesARCHLAB Technical study of the National Gallery of Ireland’s Prodigal Son seriesARCHLAB METHIT: Metal threads in Hispano-Islamic textiles (11th-15th centuries): scientific investigation of the manufacturing techniques and comparative studies with metal threads in Sicilian-Islamic textiles and Lucchese medieval textilesARCHLAB GOYA: review technical documentation of the portrait of Don Francisco de Saavedra at the Courtauld GalleryARCHLAB RACOPHINO: RAre COrrosion PHenomena of INorganic ObjectsARCHLAB TIMOR: Terahertz Imaging of a Concealed Wall Painting at the Church of St Gregory the Great, Morville, Shropshire, UKMOLAB PEMAN: Polychromy on Egyptian works of the National Archaeological Museum (Madrid, Spain). Technical study of the impact of VOCsMOLAB MacSTONE: Effects of fire on building stone at the Mackintosh School of Art, Glasgow, ScotlandMOLAB LUCAS ICON: The hidden Madonna – Multi-and hyperspectral imaging on the 14th c. Byzantine “Lucas Icon” from the Diözesanmuseum Freising (Bavaria, Germany)MOLAB Champlevé Enamels from Berlin Museums, widening statistics and knowledge on Medieval champlevé enamelingARCHLAB Yellowish Gypsum Efflorescences on Wall Paintings from the 14th Century in the Cathedral of Schleswig in Northern GermanyARCHLAB IHFMCOS: Investigating hidden and forgotten medieval mural paintings in the church attics of Östergötland (Sweden)MOLAB Analysis and Research Methods In Management of Photographic Materials: Gelatin Glass Plate CollectionsARCHLAB EXAManet: Combined Scanning Multispectral Infrared Reflectography, VIS-NIR Hyperspectral Imaging and Macro-X-Ray Fluorescence: an innovative approach to the study of materials and technique of five paintings by Édouard Manet at the Courtauld GalleryMOLAB ECCPruB: Examination of Colour Changes due to the Fading of Prussian Blue in Danish Golden Age Paintings (1800-1850)MOLAB AshNMR – Effects of ageing on the wood and varnish of violins and violasMOLAB