IPERION HSIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure


The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKDS) mission is to perform public services that cover a variety of administrative and professional duties relating with the protection of immovable and movable cultural heritage and of the living cultural heritage associated with it. The Institute is the founding member of E-RIHS Slovenia (MoU signed in 2018). The core research activities are concentrated at its Conservation Centre, with three units: the Restoration Centre, the Centre for Preventive Archaeology, and the Research Institute. The latter was funded in 2011, with a scientific equipment set-up designed to investigate cultural heritage or other objects at micro or non-invasive level, employing cross-disciplinary team. Heritage Science is its primary focus of research and is mainly linked to the preliminary investigation of monuments, investigation of the environmental impact on different types of materials in terms of chemical and biological alterations, development of new methodologies for safe conservation – restoration, and development of new analytical tools and methods for investigation of cultural heritage objects. The special focus of Research institute is analysis of macromolecular materials, and offers access in their characterisation within IPERION HS.

ZVKDS participates in the project with one linked party

University of Ljubljana (UL)

Contact Person

Polonca Ropret

E-Mail Address