IPERION HSIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu – Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU)


NCU is the largest university in northern Poland, comprising 17 faculties covering disciplines from science to humanities and medicine. NCU employs over 4200 people including 2250 scholars (1827 with Ph.D.), 259 of whom hold a professorial title. At present, 23,000 students are being educated in 113 disciplines, 60 post-graduate studies and 24 doctoral studies. IPERION HS will be managed jointly by the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy, and Informatics, the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of History.
The IPERION HS project will be developed in the Laboratory for Non-invasive Analyses within the Interdisciplinary Centre for Modern Technologies (ICNT), a joint project initiative of four faculties of the University, including the Faculty of Physics. The Faculty of Fine Arts conducts research in, among others, conservation science in close connection to the conservation practice. For about fifteen years the physicists now involved in the Laboratory for Non-invasive Analyses have been closely cooperating with the conservators from the Faculty of Fine Arts on developing new techniques for examination of CH objects. This collaboration is mostly devoted to searching for solutions to practical problems formulated by conservators and related to the state of preservation, former restoration/conservation attempts, attribution and dating of the artwork, and new restoration procedures and materials. Over time, the research team became a world leader in applications of OCT to conservation practice.
The NCU is the leader of the Polish Consortium for Heritage Science which comprises 13 Polish research institutions leading in this field, including three linked third parties, involved in the project.

NCU participates in the project with three linked parties:

The AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH)
The Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Science (JHI)
The University of Warsaw (UW)

Contact Person
Piotr Targowski

E-Mail Address