IPERION HSIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure


The Cyprus Institute is a non-profit research and educational institution with scientific and technological focus. It consists of issue-oriented research centres that address challenging problems both at the regional and international levels. The Government of Cyprus supports The Cyprus Institute, viewing its establishment as important to its overall policy of transforming Cyprus into a regional centre for research and education. Among CyI’s centers, The Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC) is devoted to the development, introduction and use of advanced science and technologies in the field of archaeology and cultural heritage of Cyprus and the EMME region. Research scientists and doctoral students utilize STARC’s cutting edge technological and scientific fix and mobile infrastructure to lead and contribute in local and international collaborative research in Cyprus, the Eastern Mediterranean and Europe. Key areas of research are Digital Cultural Heritage, Art Characterization, Archaeological Materials Sciences, Bioarchaeology, Cultural Landscapes and Built Heritage, Virtual Environments for Cultural Heritage. These efforts are closely supported by key stakeholders such as archaeological authorities, museums and heritage organizations and foundations. STARC research activities also make effective use of high-performance computing capabilities hosted at The Cyprus Institute to perform research requiring intensive computing or data storage, repositories, management and web-dissemination. New perspectives on archaeological and cultural heritage research in the region are achieved through strong collaborations with research in climate and environment facilitated by CyI’s unmanned aircraft infrastructure.


Contact Person

Nikolas Bakirtzis

E-Mail Address