IPERION HSIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure


Created in 2009 at Evora University, HERCULES Lab is a research unit devoted to the study and valorisation of cultural heritage (CH), focusing on the integration of physical and natural sciences methodologies in an interdisciplinary approach. HERCULES Lab is based in Évora, a UNESCO World Heritage city, comprising several laboratories and a mobile lab with state-of-the-art equipment (over 3Meuros investment) and capability to develop groundbreaking research. The analytical setup includes in-situ non-invasive analysis and imaging, laboratory microanalysis, high resolution chemical analysis. Currently it is also developing innovative materials and products, from bio to nano. HERCULES lab team is composed of 30 researchers with PhD from different areas of knowledge enabling a truly interdisciplinary approach. HERCULES Lab is the coordinator of an Erasmus Mundus Master and a Marie Curie ITN. HERCULES Lab aims to join resources and skills from different research areas to bring a new approach into heritage research and to strengthen Portugal position in the mainstream of European heritage research. For this, HERCULES Lab sustains its activities in 4 major lines of research: 1) Archaeometric approaches to past cultures; 2) Sciences for the Arts; 3) Science for Heritage Conservation; and 4) Novel materials and tools for cultural heritage.

UEVORA (HERCULES) participates in the project with one linked party

Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC)

Contact Person

Antonio Candeias

E-Mail Address