Consiglio Nazionale delle ricerche

CNR is the largest public research institution in Italy under the Ministry for Education, University and Research. CNR performs multidisciplinary research activities and ensures large and effective European and International cooperation in all fields of knowledge. CNR is an active member of the European Heads of the Research
Councils association (EuroHORCs), of the European Science Foundation (ESF), and of Science Europe (SE). Social sciences and humanities, and cultural heritage have been investigated at CNR since the agency’s reform on 4th March 1963. Today most of the SSH and CH researchers are part of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Cultural Heritage (DSU-CNR). CNR is a long-term stakeholder in the framework of the European projects with more than 700 projects funded in FP7. CNR takes part in IPERION HS with the National Institute of Optics (INO), the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Cultural Heritage (DSU), the Institute of Molecular Science and Technologies (SCITEC), the Institute for Cultural Heritage Sciences (ISPC), the Italian Dictionary (Opera del Vocabolario Italiano OVI), the Institute of Information Science and Technology (ISTI), the Institute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara”(IFAC).
CNR participates in the project with four third parties:
Opificio delle Pietre Dure (OPD)
INFN – National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN Gran Sasso; INFN CHNet)
UNIBO – University of Bologna
UNIPG – University of Perugia
Contact Person
Luca Pezzati
E-Mail Address