11th -13th October, 2017
Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC)
Budapest, Hungary
15th June, 2017: deadline for the submission of abstracts for talks/posters, and submission for the Student Grant
15th July, 2017: decision about the abstracts for talks/posters
30th July, 2017: deadline of the early registration
1st October, 2017: deadline of the registration and payment
Organized by the Budapest Neutron Centre, a consortium of the MTA Centre for Energy Research, and the MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics, the conference will cover the following topics:
- Neutron imaging
- Neutron activation analysis
- Prompt gamma activation analysis
- Neutron scattering
- Facilities, techniques and data processing
- Autoradiography
- Multi-technique approach and complementary techniques
Registration and abstract submission can be done via the website.
For more information please visit:
or contact Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC)
H-1121 Hungary, Budapest, 29-33 Konkoly-Thege str.
E-mail: ninmach2017@bnc.hu
Download the leaflet