Post-doctoral researcher position – HERACLES Project – Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH)
In the framework of the HERACLES project (H2020-DRS-2014-2015/H2020-DRS-2015, GA 700395), funded under H2020-E.U.3.5 - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials and H2020-EU.3.7. - Secure societies -...
IPERION CH Transnational Access – 7th call for proposals – OPEN
A new IPERION CH Call for Access The European H2020 project IPERION CH has currently launched its 7th call for proposals for Transnational Access (TNA). Groups of researchers from the EU and associated countries can apply for free access to European...
How photochemistry can help preserve the colours of art
How the absorption of light changes the colours of art There are some interesting news in photochemistry applied to art. Costanza Miliani, CNR, and her colleagues, after investigating how photodegradation provokes irreversible colour changes in works of art,...
IPERION CH : a success story in Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities integration
Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) integration into RI Horizon 2020 considers the socio-economic sciences and humanities (SSH) as cross-cutting and integrated into all the priorities and objectives of the Programme. European research...
IPERION CH: Putting together the pieces of Europe’s cultural heritage puzzle
Working together to establish a European research infrastructure for Cultural Heritage Researchers with the EU-funded IPERION CH project are working to establish a European research infrastructure dedicated to the conservation, interpretation,...
PhD Studentship: Signal and Image Processing for Art Investigation – Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London
A fully-funded three-years PhD studentship Duration of study: Full Time- three years fixed term Starting date: 1st October 2018 Application deadline: 31st July 2017 (or until filled) Supervisor: Dr Miguel Rodrigues A fully-funded three-years PhD...
Papyri: Cutting-edge methodologies applied for discovering their secrets
Innovative techniques applied to papyri from Hercolaneum Two different experiments were conducted on opistographic papyri from Herculaneum at the local Officina dei Papiri Ercolanesi in February and May 2018 thanks to the joint initiative of the National...
3rd IPERION CH DSS – deadline postponed (6th June)
GOOD NEWS about the 3rd IPERION CH Doctoral Summer School in Italy Due to several requires arrived after the closing of the inscription, the deadline for participating in the 3rd IPERION CH Doctoral Summer School has been POSTPONED to the 6th June....
How spectral imaging and archival data can help the understanding of art
Hot paper The communication published in Angewandte Chemie (IF 11.994) by research group of Raffaella Fontana, CNR-INO, has been selected as a HOT PAPER for its importance in a rapidly evolving field of high current interest. In collaboration with the...