Yale’s Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Postdoctoral Associate Position – Deadline: October 15th
Postdoctoral Associate Position in X-ray Fluorescence Mapping of Art A postdoctoral position (full-time, 12 month with renewable contract) is open in the IPCH’s Technical Studies Lab, focusing on the use of their new Bruker M6 Jetstream scanning XRF...
Call for Trans National Access at BNC – Budapest – Deadline October 1, 2018
Call for Transnational Access to the instruments of the Budapest Neutron Centre A new call for Transnational Access to the instruments of the Budapest Neutron Centre within the IPERION CH project is open. BNC offers access to non-destructive...
2 PhD positions for conservators/art historians at the University of Amsterdam – Deadline September 20, 2018
PhD positions at the University of Amsterdam Two PhD positions at the University of Amsterdam, within research programme ‘Down to the Ground: a historical, visual and scientific analysis of coloured grounds in Netherlandish paintings, 1550-1650’ PhD...
International Conference on Participatory Governance of Built Cultural Heritage – 3-4 October 2018 – Amersfoort, the Netherlands
Citizens Involved: Participatory Governance of Built Cultural Heritage This conference will offer an international exchange of best practices of participatory governance of cultural heritage. It will present real-life projects by speakers with...
Conference “New strategies for diagnostics of conservation treatments”
Save the date: Conference 7-8 February 2019 Title: New strategies for diagnostics of conservation treatments Location: Amsterdam Organized by The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands and sponsored by IPERION CH, the conference on ‘New Diagnostic...
Ph.D. position at TU Delft University of Technology (NL)
Beeldvorming: A non-invasive look inside statues A Ph.D. position is offered in a project which develops computational methods to fuse multi-modular data sets into one quantitative 3D model of precious cultural heritage objects. The project is a unique...
IPERION CH Training Camp 2018
IPERION CH Training Camp 2018 Starting from today a new call for participation in the next IPERION CH Training Camp (TC) is open! The TC will be hosted by the Casa Museo Remo Brindisi in Italy, a really amazing place with a unique collection of works of...
MOLAB_Germany investigates wall paintings in Barberini’s lodge in Villa Sciarra, Rome
MOLAB at Villa Sciarra in Rome, Italy Donatella Buttiglione, art conservator, presented a proposal (VSWP) to MOLAB asking for some non-invasive analysis to apply on the whitewashed wall paintings in the reading room of the historical library located in...
PhD position open in Italy (MOLAB)
Development of non invasive spectroscopic method inside MOLAB A PhD position for candidates with a foreign (NON Italian) degree is now open at the University of Perugia-Department of Chemistry in collaboration with the Laboratory of CNR-ISTM in Perugia (Italy)....