Launching E-RIHS – European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science: a new way of approaching Heritage Science
How can we apply science to our heritage? What does Heritage Science mean? How can we better study and preserve our heritage? How can we help researchers work to advance knowledge about heritage and strategies for its preservation? Knowledge and preservation of...
MoLab: Exploring Pollock’s Alchemy – February 2015 A team from the National Research Council has investigated one of the most important works of Jackson Pollock, Alchemy, painted in 1947 by the revolutionary technique of dripping. In 2013 the MoLab-CNR - Mobile...
Fostering the Transatlantic Dialogue on Digital Heritage & EU Research Infrastructure
Four speakers outline advances in European Union (EU) framework initiatives for digital infrastructures that preserve and provide access to heritage data.
MoLab and the multispectral scanner Vis-Nir from CNR-INO
Within the European project Iperion CH one of the instruments of MoLab the mobile laboratory which will be moved - on demand - across Europe is the multispectral scanner Vis-Nir: an instrument for multispectral imaging to be used in the field of conservation...
Horizon 2020 -Infraia-1: among the CNR’s four projects awarded
Among 58 projects submitted and 21 admitted to the evaluation of the members of the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation in the call Infraia-1 ("Integrating and Opening Existing National and Regional Research Infrastructures of European...
Synchrotron Soleil (FR) – The synchrotron beam
Both a research laboratory and a very high-level scientific resource serving thousands of users, SOLEIL also has a double vocation: to make the highest-performing experimental facilities in the world available to its users, and to develop cutting-edge internal...
Pollock’s “Alchemy” restored
Jackson Pollock's "Alchemy" restored by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, after the analysis campaign by MoLab.
Examination of Colour Changes due to the Fading of Prussian Blue in Danish Golden Age Paintings (1800-1850)
In December 2015 a team of researchers from the MOLAB team carried out non-invasive in situ analyses on a selection of paintings from the Danish Golden Age belonging to SMK and Den Hirschsprungske Samling (DHS) The request for MOLAB was to investigate the colour...
Research & Industry
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