A new PhD opportunity: Tech4Culture opens the first call for applications
The Tech4Culture PhD Programme First Call for Applications is now open. The University of Turin project Tech4Culture is co-funded under the H2020-MSCA-COFUND scheme. Tech4Culture aims to create experts able to develop technological solutions for the...
Marta Castillejo at the Symposium “Physics of Ancient Materials”
Marta Castillejo: a woman in science On 16th March 2018, Marta Castillejo of Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), one of the E-RIHS partners, presented the Invited talk “Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Cultural Heritage...
Ancient encaust: A multi-analytical investigation discovers the secrets of the painting technique
Ancient encaustic: how multi-analytical approach can help knowledge Within IPERION CH, six research teams have worked together on ancient encaustic. The results of this research are now collected in a scientific article published in "Microchemical...
EU projects workshop – Deadline for participation April 16th, 2018
The European H2020 projects “EMOTIVE: Storytelling for Cultural heritage” ( and “CrossCult: Empowering reuse of digital cultural heritage in context-aware crosscuts of European history" ( would like to invite...
2018 Synchrotron Radiation and Neutron in Art and Archaeology conference
2018 Synchrotron Radiation and Neutron in Art and Archaeology conference Diamond Light Source, the Mary Rose Trust and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, will organise SR2A-2018, The 8th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Art and Archaeology in...
Open Assistant Scientist position at the Getty Conservation Institute
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI)—located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, and the Getty Villa in Malibu, California—is one of the operating programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust, working internationally to advance conservation practice...
Position in the Scientific Department at The National Gallery, London
Closing date: 18 February 2018 Interview date: Week commencing 26 February This is a maternity cover role for up to 12 months This role is part-time based on 21 hours a week over three days Fixed Term Part Time UKP30,236 - UKP33,000 Job reference: 1596 The central...
The examination of Christian II portrayed by Michel Sittow
In this film, the SMK Conservators and the scientists at CATS scrutinize the layering of the paint and reveal that another portrait is hidden under the surface of the painting.
Scientific Symposium Frontiers in Heritage Science -14–15 February 2019, Paris – Registration is now open
Scientific Symposium Frontiers in Heritage Science The Symposium is the first of the two main events of the World Meeting on Heritage, Sciences and Technologies to be held in Paris from 13 to 16 February 2019, on the occasion of the opening of the...