IPERION HSIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure

27 – 30 June, 2017

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Call for Abstracts


20 April: Nominations to be sent to the IAEA and submission of abstracts according to the instructions above for selection.
20 April:
Request to the IAEA for financial support.
28 April:
Participants will be informed about the acceptance of their contribution.
28 April:
Grant awards.
1st week of May 2017:
Letter of invitations are sent to the accepted participants by the IAEA.
27 June 2017:
Start of meeting.

Organised together with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and IPANEMA Synchrotron Soleil, France, the event is funded by IPERION CH, and will gather physicists, chemists, conservators, curators and conservation scientists, radiation specialists, material scientists and accelerator scientists with the following objectives:

  • Discuss the possible effects of ionizing radiation on paintings and paint materials during photon, electron and ion beam analysis, in view of artwork conservation, diagnostics, technical art history, and restoration;
  • Suggest safer procedures and improved practices for monitoring and mitigation strategies, with the aim of minimizing damage formation;
  • Define best practices to document the history of irradiation of samples and objects;
  • Explore the potential of future international collaborations;
  • Develop round-robin comparisons on radiation effects on paint materials.

In order to participate in the meeting the IAEA has to receive your nomination from the appropriate Governmental representative Authority (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Atomic Energy Authority) of your country.

The IAEA has officially announced this meeting to the Permanent Mission of your country, however, as a bottom-up approach, in case you wish to participate in the technical meeting then please contact in a separate e-mail  the relevant Authority in your country and ask for your nomination. Do not worry, this is a normal procedure as it helps also to identify relevant participants from your country.
Please clearly refer to the meeting title and its announcement on the IAEA website in your e-mail.

Please note, that depending on the type of your participation you also need to send the below forms when requesting your nomination from your Authority:
1) Participation only: Form A
2) Giving a presentation: Form A, Form B (“paper” in Form B refers to the abstract) and abstract
3) Financial support (only certain countries are eligible): Form A, Form B , Form C and abstract
At the following link you can find the form to be filled in

Please kindly copy Aliz.Simon@iaea.org when contacting your Authority.

If you do not know who to contact then please at first ask your management and/or colleagues who participated before in an IAEA technical meeting. In case there is still no success, then please contact Ms Rozanna Bojdo (R.Bojdo@iaea.org) and copy Aliz.Simon@iaea.org.

In case you have any questions about the eligibility then please contact Aliz.Simon@iaea.org.

Please note, that the number of participants is limited, therefore please do not delay requesting your nomination as applications will be accepted on a “first-come first-served” basis. When you have prepared an abstract then it does not take more than 15 min to fill the forms and submit them to the relevant Authority.

Please also fill out a short registration form on the host website as they request it.

Please make sure that you always send the abstract also to the co-chairs as it will help us to monitor the applications and set-up the programme. Therefore, please also send a word version of your abstract to TMAmsterdam2017@rijksmuseum.nlandAliz.Simon@iaea.org

You can find additional details about the meeting, venue, transport,  and accommodation at the following link.