Hot paper
The communication published in Angewandte Chemie (IF 11.994) by research group of Raffaella Fontana, CNR-INO, has been selected as a HOT PAPER for its importance in a rapidly evolving field of high current interest. In collaboration with the Czech Academy of Science, the researchers propose the methodology based on advanced techniques of data-processing to analyze inhomogeneous datasets. This approach is demonstrated on two paintings by Titian and Manet examined in different contexts, times and partially different techniques.
A concise insight into the outputs provided by the latest prototype of visible‐near infrared (Vis‐NIR) multispectral scanner (National Research Council‐National Institute of Optics, CNR‐INO, Italy) is presented. The analytical data acquired on an oil painting Madonna of the Rabbit by É. Manet are described. In this work, the Vis‐NIR was complemented with X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) mapping for the chemical and spatial characterization of several pigments. The spatially registered Vis‐NIR data facilitated their processing by spectral correlation mapping (SCM) and artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm, respectively, for pigment mapping and improved visibility of pentimenti and of underdrawing style. The data provided several key elements for the comparison with a homonymous original work by Titian studied within the ARCHive LABoratory (ARCHLAB) transnational access project.
Read the complete HOT paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201800624