Grenoble 2020
Registration is now open for the Cultural and Natural Heritage Workshop to be held at the ESRF in Grenoble from January 22 to 24, 2020.
This workshop aims at:
– Highlighting recent achievements and discoveries made at synchrotron facilities in palaeontology, archaeology and art science
– Presenting and discussing the emerging new opportunities and challenges related to the ESRF-EBS X-ray source as well as the improved and imminent beamlines.
In addition to lectures, posters and discussions, the program will include an optional introduction for the non-expert public, two tutorials on data analysis (PyMca and XRD), a practical on tomography as well as a social programme.
Please, note the following important deadlines:
– deadline for submission of abstracts: Thursday, 31 October, 2019
– Confirmation for oral contributions: 15/11/2019
– deadline for registration: Sunday, 15 December, 2019
The fee (50E for participants and 20E for students) covers the entire workshop including the tutorials and practical, all lunches and dinners, as well as the social events on Thursday and Friday.
For further information, registration, submission, and accommodation please, visit https://www.esrf.eu/heritage-workshop