IPERION HSIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure

Fourier Transform and dispersive Raman microscopy

The two Raman systems that are used for the technique offer several excitation wavelengths (1064, 785, 632, 532, 498 and 458 nm). The number of possible laser excitations is rare and due to the versatile laser excitations both systems allow characterisation of many different materials, including complex organic pigments (synthetic or natural organic pigments and dyes) and logwood inks. In cases of natural organic pigments and dyes characterisation we have developed new and well performing SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) substrates.

Fields of application

  • Cultural heritage

    art, manuscript, musical instrument, painting, papyrus, sculpture, textile

  • Natural heritage

    botanic collection, fossil, mineral, shell, skeleton


  • inorganic

    ceramics, glass, dyes

  • organic

    dyes, synthetic organic pigments


Raman microscopes

FT and dispersive Raman microscopes: two Raman systems: Horiba Jobin Yvon LabRAM HR800 Raman spectrometer coupled to an Olympus BXFM optical microscope equipped with excitation wavelengths 785, 633, 514, 488 and 458 nm and Bruker’s FT Raman system MULTIRAM coupled to the dispersive SENTERRA Raman microscope allowing 1064, 785 and 532 nm excitation. The number...