The purpose of the magnetics methods using the Fluxgate gradiometry is to study the subsoil from the point of view of its magnetic properties. The method as a lot common with gravimetry but it must also be said that there are also significant differences. First one is that there are no magnetic monopoles, but dipoles (and higher orders—quadrupoles and more) are the principal units. Unlike the gravimetric field, the magnetic field of the Earth is less stable, and this means that the magnetic field could change quickly. Another substantial difference is related to the fact that the magnetic results, displayed in the form of maps, are dominated mainly by local anomalies, and different rock types present, in many cases, a magnetisation quite large than in the case of densities. The magnetic methods are parts of the “family” of the potential field methods and therefore suffers from the non-uniqueness.
Fields of application
Cultural heritage
archaeological object and site

The magnetic instruments are classified into two main types: the mechanical instruments that measure the direction or a component of its direction of the magnetic field; and the magnetometers that are instruments capable of measuring the amplitude and/or a component of the magnetic field. The magnetometer is equipped with two sensors in different heights. The...