The absorption of an electromagnetic radiation promotes the population of an excited electronic state of a molecular species. This excited state rapidly dissipates its energy and this phenomenon can happen via a so-called radiative pathway, producing characteristic emission of photons in the UV-VIS-NIR spectral ranges, commonly called fluorescence. The fluorescence measurements are particularly indicated for the characterization of several organic dyes as well as luminescent pigments such as zinc oxide, cadmium based pigments and Egyptian blue.
Fields of application
Cultural heritage
archaeological object and site, architecture, art, decorative arts, manuscript, musical instrument, painting, papyrus, photo, sculpture, textile
dyes, pigment

The portable prototype is composed of lasers and diode laser sources coupled with high sensitive CCD spectrometers working in the UV-VIS-NIR which allow steady-state fluorescence measurements between 200-1600 nm range to be collected. A dedicated fibre optic system allow measurements on any surface to be done. The size of the whole probe is less than...