IPERION HSIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure

Techniques for imaging studies

Neutron and X-ray imaging utilizes transmission of neutron or X-ray beams to obtain visual information, in a non-destructive way, on the structure and/or inner processes of a given object. Neutrons are able to pierce through several cm thick materials, so the inner, invisible parts and structure of even a bulky object can be characterized in an absolutely non-destructive way. The interactions between the beam particles and the matter, however, result in the attenuation of the transmitted neutron or X-ray beam so giving contrast on a sensitive screen.The field of applications for this valuable technique has been further expanded by the use of neutrons in radiography and tomography. Neutrons have a high penetration depth for many materials. The interactions between the neutrons and the matter result in the attenuation of the transmitted neutron beam so giving contrast on a sensitive screen. furthermore, excellent and even isotope-specific contrast is achieved for many light materials. This fact renders neutron radiography and tomography powerful tools complementary to X-ray imaging techniques. With performing dynamic radiography, structural changes can be followed in time, too.

Fields of application

  • Cultural heritage

    corrosion layers, sculpture, archaeological object

  • Natural heritage

    fossil, shell, skeleton


  • inorganic

    glass, stone, metal and metallurgical By-Products, ceramic (clay, mud brick, terracotta, earthenware, stoneware, porcelain)

  • organic

    wood, paper, textiles


Archive image

RAD instrument utilizes transmission of neutrons or X-rays to obtain visual information on the structure and/or inner processes of a given object. Neutrons are able to pierce through several cm thick materials, so the inner structure of even a bulky object can be characterized in a non-destructive way. The interactions between the neutrons and the...

Contact person
Zoltán Kis
NIPS-NORMA station

NIPS NORMA station allows performing a position-sensitive elemental analysis of well-defined spots on larger objects (sculptures, vessels, etc. with up to the size of ca. 15 cm). Furthermore, it is possible to combine the 2D or 3D neutron imaging with local elemental analysis. At the moment, this technique is exclusively available at the BNC. The...

Cold neutron radiography and tomography facility (ANTARES)

ANTARES is an instrument for radiography and tomography with cold neutrons, complementary to NECTAR tha uses fast neutrons. Due to the different contrast between different chemical elements, neutron radiography and tomography is very useful in investigations of archelogical objects and manufacts for the important achievement that are not possibile with other techniques and moreover for...

Fast neutron radiography and tomography (NECTAR)

NECTAR is an instrument for radiography and tomography with fast neutrons, complementary to ANTARES tha uses cold neutrons. NECTAR is very useful for investigation in the field of restauration and conservation of objects as well as in investigating the inner structure of large archeological objects thanks to its rather large neutron beam. Inner structure of...