PIGE is part of nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) technique. Nuclear reactions of the incident ion with the nucleus of the target atom emit photons (gamma-rays) or charged particles. PIGE only measures the gamma-rays and is of high interest for the detection of low-Z elements. Some low-Z elements can also be detected by PIXE but the information depth is deeper for PIGE. Elemental maps can be recorded to display the distribution of elements.
Fields of application
Cultural heritage
archaeological object and site, architecture, art, decorative arts, demo anthropologic object, film, manuscript, mosaics, musical instrument, other, painting, papyrus, photo, sculpture, textile
glass, stone, metal and metallurgical By-Products, parchment, ceramic (clay, mud brick, terracotta, earthenware, stoneware, porcelain), pigment
wood, paper, textiles

The Oxford type scanning nuclear microprobe is operated at one of the beamlines of our particle accelerator. The beam diameter is about 1-3 microns for the usual applications in vacuum. The microprobe is equipped with a 5-axis goniometer (X-Y-Z translations and two rotations, to move the sample into the required position), optical microscope, cameras and...
Ion Beams LaboratoryContact person
Angela Middleton
Type and energy of particles: protons or deuterons from 1 to 4MeV or Alphas from 2 to 6MeV for Alphas. Beam size: down to 20µm. Single spot or mapping on areas up to cm²-sized area (max 20x20cm²). PIGE system: HPGe detector. Limits of detection : down to 100ppm regarding the elements