IPERION HSIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure

Synchrotron Micro X-ray Diffraction (Sr µXRD)

This technique allows the determination of phases and long-range order in the sample with a spacial resolution equal to the spot size. The sample has to be thin enough to be transmitted by the beam.

Fields of application

  • Cultural heritage

    archaeological object and site, architecture, art, decorative arts, demo anthropologic object, film, manuscript, mosaics, musical instrument, other, painting, papyrus, photo, sculpture, textile

  • Natural heritage

    animal product, botanic collection, fossil, mineral, other, shell, skeleton, taxidermy collection


  • organic

    animal parts, binding media, glues, wood, paper, textiles, varnishes


PUMA beamline

PUMA (French for "Photons Utilisés pour les Matériaux Anciens") is a hard X-ray imaging beamline optimized for the scientific communities of the heritage sciences. It has a 2D scanning endstation with an X-ray microbeam of 5 µm (horizontal) x 3 µm (vertical) spot size, allowing users to obtain X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), X-ray absorption near-edge...

Contact person
Sebastian Schoeder
Archive image

DIFFABS : Combining X-Ray diffraction and absorption to study a large variety of materials.

Contact person
Sebastian Schoeder