The principle of hyper spectral imaging is based on the collection of a large number of images in contiguous spectral bands. This sequence of images provides a huge set of data that is called a file cube or image cube in which each spot is identified by two spatial coordinates, x and y identifying a pixel of the sample surface, and a spectral coordinate, the wavelength of the band. In this way the image cube includes a unique set of spatial and spectral information of the analyzed area. The use of monochromatic sources allow to collect a luminescence image cube from every materials which absorbs the 405 nm light and exhibits luminescence properties in the 450-1000 nm range.
Fields of application
Cultural heritage
archaeological object and site, architecture, art, decorative arts, manuscript, musical instrument, painting, papyrus, photo, sculpture, textile
dyes, pigment

Measurements are performed using a SOC710 hyperspectral camera produced by Surface Optics Corporation, San Diego (USA). The system utilizes a whiskbroom line scanner producing a 696x520 pixels hypercube covering the range of 400-1000 nm with 128 spectral bands. The spectra are defined by one point approximately every 4.5 nm. The spatial resolution can be continuously...