Citizens Involved: Participatory Governance of Built Cultural Heritage
This conference will offer an international exchange of best practices of participatory governance of cultural heritage. It will present real-life projects by speakers with first-hand experiences coming from different backgrounds.
The focus is mainly on built heritage, taking into account successful examples of participation in archaeology and the larger areas of historic built environment and cultural landscapes. The aim of the conference is to highlight the advantages (but also disadvantages) of participatory governance, to exchange experiences and to offer advice – including do’s and don’ts – for the management of future participative heritage initiatives.
For whom?
The intended participants of the conference are those who are involved in (future) built heritage projects based on participatory governance: policymakers, local, regional and national public authorities, owners and managers of built heritage, heritage professionals, heritage researchers, planners, and architects. The conference will be held in English. Participants are invited to actively participate in workshops. Poster presentations are welcome. A book corner will be installed where speakers and participants can present relevant publications.
The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands is organising this conference in the context of the European Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPICH). The JPICH is one of the ten ongoing Joint Programming Initiatives seeking to increase the value of relevant national and EU Research and Development investments by joint planning, implementation, and evaluation of national research programmes.
The JPICH is directed at promoting the safeguarding of cultural heritage in its broader meaning, including tangible, intangible and digital assets. It promotes a joint multidisciplinary approach to cultural heritage sustainability which arises from research. This conference is one of its flagship events in the context of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.
The conference is free of charge, but you have to register. You can submit your registration before the 17th of September, by filling in the registration form.