The 2018 Gordon Research Conference and seminar: a IPERION CH event
The 2018 Gordon Research Conference and Seminar “Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research” is an official IPERION CH event. It will be held for the first time outside the US, in Castelldefels (near Barcelona, Spain) in July 2018 (21–22 for the GRS, 22–27 for the GRC).
The conference will highlight exceptional methodological research in cultural heritage, which has an impact on fundamental knowledge, interpretation, and conservation. This is the first GRC on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research to be held in Europe. It is also the first to incorporate the emerging utilization of computational and data science in cultural heritage research. The keynote speakers will provide overviews of the status of conservation science and of the growing impact of data science and artificial intelligence on cultural heritage research and applications.
The featured topics for oral presentations are (i) data science and computational science for image processing, image search, process modeling, and manufactured materials similarity analysis; (ii) advanced analytical methods for tracing object origin and biological applications; (iii) understanding production and degradation experimentally and analytically; and (iv) new strategies for treatment-based and preventive conservation. The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research will also include thematically complementary poster sessions.
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