IPERION HSIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure


ITAM carries out research on materials and structures including interdisciplinary projects in the field of Heritage. It operates since 2013 a new European Centre of Excellence as a specialised research infrastructure for Cultural Heritage research, which has been built under the ERDF support. The research portfolio involves projects with themes from technical and natural sciences through socio-economic research till art conservation. The ITAM team has been involved in more than 25 international projects supported by the EC (FP5-FP7), Council of Europe and other international programmes. The RI operates next to specific stationary laboratories (radiography, combined climatic wind tunnel, set of laboratories for physics, chemistry, biology) a group for complex investigations in historic environment. It consists in a mobile laboratory for diagnostics of historic materials and structures as well as several long-term monitoring networks (corrosion stations, measurement of weather and dynamic effects on historic buildings and monuments) with relevant database systems. ITAM is involved in development of the new distributed E-RIHS as a partner in the preparatory phase project. It is linked with other two research institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences with a framework cooperation agreement in research.

ITAM participates in the project with two third parties:

The Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague (IAP)
The Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno (IAB)

Contact Person

Miloš Drdácký

E-Mail Address