IPERION HSIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure


The Swedish National Heritage Board, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, serves since the 17th century as Sweden’s central administrative agency in the area of cultural heritage and cultural or historic environment. Cultural heritage protection and management in Sweden aims to preserve and manage sites of historical, architectural or archaeological significance and to empower cultural heritage as a force in the evolution of a democratic, sustainable society. The Department for Conservation at the Swedish National Heritage Board is situated in Visby, Gotland and includes two resource facilities – the heritage laboratory and the exhibition workshop – offering transnational access via the FIXLAB.
The Swedish National Heritage Board is the convenor for the national network Heritage Science Sweden, HSS, a network of universities, heritage institutions and companies that bring together potential collaborators, pool resources on research calls, create better utilization of existing technical and laboratory equipment and make available competencies and expertise for heritage science. The third parties listed below are part of the HSS network and consortium.

RAA participates in the project with three linked parties:

The SciLifeLab Ancient DNA Facility (ADF)
The Craft Laboratory (CL) 
Environmental Archaeology Lab (MAL) 

Contact Person

Marei Hacke

E-Mail Address